Dr. Rafael O. Navarro Cueva, a distinguished expert in substance use prevention and treatment, passed away on January 6, 2020. Recognized as one of the best psychiatrists in South America, he held numerous prominent positions throughout his career. Dr. Navarro served as Chairman of the Latin American Association of Behavior Analysis and Modification and Vice-Chairperson of the World Federation of Therapeutic Communities. He was also the former Chairman of both the Latin American Psychiatric Association and the Latin American Association of Addictionology.
A visionary in his field, Dr. Navarro was the founding director of the Instituto Peruano de Especialización en Terapia Cognitiva Conductual Basada en la Evidencia (IPETECC). He coordinated the International Online Master's Degree in Drug Addiction by the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, organized by CICAD-OAS and the National Plan of Spain. Dr. Navarro was also the author of the 'Ñaña Model of Treatment and Rehabilitation of Addictions' and served as General Director of the Hermilio Valdizan Hospital in Lima, Peru.
We remember with deep respect and gratitude Dr. Rafael Navarro Cueva, an admirable visionary and mentor whose legacy endures beyond his time with us. He was a great leader who not only dedicated his life to mental health care in Peru but also laid a solid path for the training of professionals in this field. As the founder of IPETECC, Dr. Navarro channeled his passion for education towards creating an institution that transcends the limitations of time and space to train professionals in the techniques and strategies of cognitive behavioral therapy. His innovative approach and endless commitment to educational excellence left an enduring mark on those who had the privilege of learning under his guidance.
Beyond classrooms and lectures, Dr. Navarro inspired his students to explore new horizons, to question established norms, and to commit to the emotional well-being of those they served. Although he is no longer with us physically, his spirit lives on in every psychiatrist and psychologist who applies the lessons taught so generously by Dr. Navarro in their daily work. An experienced public speaker on drug addictions, he also published several articles related to his field.
We continue to pay tribute to Dr. Rafael Navarro Cueva, recognizing his invaluable contributions and remaining committed to building on the foundations he laid with so much care and dedication.