Dr Sa’adatu Adamu

Dr Sa’adatu Adamu is a mental health counselor working with victims of human trafficking, rape, substance and emotional abuse. She is a graduate of industrial design and motion pictures from the National Film Institute, an affiliate of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi. She obtained a PGDE and MSC in EDU Guidance and Counseling Nasarawa State University Nigeria and recently Confer upon a degree of Hon Ph.D in Management and Leadership from American Management University. She has a Certificate in human resources management from Unicaf University, Larnaca Cyprus .

Dr Adamu has a unique combination of high-tech training and expertise in counseling skills, project development, strategic planning consulting and Project Research. Her working career started at the NAFDAC green pages where she served as client service Executive and zonal coordinator, Abuja. In 2014, she moved to head Maisa Legado Training Consultancy Firm.

Dr Adamu has attended and organized international conferences, workshops and seminars on human trafficking, counseling and mental health. She is the Author of the book “BREAK D SILENCE”, a mental health advocacy material for secondary schools and has written publications, international and locally, on counseling and mental health — one of which is published in International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation. In 2021 She facilitated a GBV project on awareness and campaign material for primary and secondary students in urban and rural schools initiated by Spotlight Initiative and sponsored by UN and EU through UNESCO. Since 2018, Advocacy and Counseling has become her focus, through school campaigns in partnership with Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR). She recently inaugurated the first mental health club in Partnership with Secondary Education Board to curb the raising mental health issues in FCT secondary schools starting with GSS wuye.

Dr Adamu is the Founder of SDF Post Care rehabilitation Home, President of Psychotherapeutic & Counselling Research Institute and the CEO of Maisa Legado Limited. Her work has worn her several Awards and she serves in different board. She is the current Vice Chairperson of Counseling Association Of Nigeria (CASSON) FCT chapter. She is also a member of American Counseling Association (ACA), International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) , Global Mental Health  Action Network (GMHAN) and World Drug Federation (WDF).