Professor and Chair in Health Psychology and Co-Leader of Intervention Science within the Centre for Social and Early Emotional Development (SEED Lifespan), Deakin University, Australia.
Professor John Toumbourou is the Chair in Health Psychology within the School of Psychology at Deakin University. He is the Co-Leader of Intervention Sciences within the SEED Lifecourse Research Centre and a prominent social advocate in areas related to child and adolescent mental health promotion and the prevention of alcohol and drug problems. He plays a leadership role in assisting the development of partnerships and research capacity within the School. He teaches at postgraduate level and also supervises higher degree students. Professor Toumbourou has been influential internationally and nationally in assisting the development of research and practice in the fields of prevention science and health psychology. He has received international awards for his contributions in these areas and has been influential in reshaping Australian health policies to more effectively address adolescent alcohol misuse and related problems.