Executive Director, Uganda Youth Development Link, board member WFAD, Chairperson ISSUP-Uganda Chapter. BA in Social work and Social administration and an MA in Human Rights from Makerere University, Kampala. Mr. Kasirye has undertaken several consultancy positions as a technical Coordinator, he is also a consultant with Mentor foundation UK. He is the local expert advisor to UNODC in Eastern Africa and is actively involved in capacity building of NGOs and Communities in Drug Demand reduction activities. He is a lead person on Vienna NGO committee on drug abuse. Mr. Kasirye is currently involved in two NIDA supported research tasks on adapting materials on substance abuse and street children. He is a researcher on the global study on gender and alcohol studies coordinated by WHO. Mr. Kasirye was awarded the 1999, United Nation Civil Society Award winner, offered by UNODC and The Federal Republic of Austria and The City of Vienna and the Africa Region Youth Services award 1999, by the Common wealth youth programme, African centre. He also authored several books and papers on drug abuse, social protection, and commercial sexual exploitation