Lorato Koosaletse

Lorato Koosaletse is a Level 3 Internationally Accredited Addiction Professional, currently employed at Botswana Substance Abuse Support Network (BOSASNet) the country’s first rehabilitation centre, as the Clinical Program Manager.  Lorato has a Master of Social Health degree from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia and is also a global Master Trainer in the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) and the Women’s Intervention for Substance Exposure (WISE) for the Drug Advisory Program under the Colombo Plan.
Lorato has extensive experience in substance use disorder treatment as a Counsellor, Trainer and Supervisor.  She is passionate about youth and women as they she feels they have unique challenges related to their substance use and addiction. Lorato is dedicated to providing quality, evidence-based care for people with substance use disorders and their families.