Sam Nugraha

Sam has been working in the DDR field for 20 years now starting way back in 2003 when he started his first DDR job with UNAIDS. In 2008 Sam joined UNODC Indonesia, providing technical assistance to the government of Indonesia. He had also worked as Regional Coordinator with ANPUD (Asia Network of People who Use Drugs). In 2015, Sam was awarded the ICAP II credential and he became a national trainer for Indonesia. Sam is also a Global DDR Trainer. He has been a part of the team in the development of the Indonesian Addiction Counselors Competency Standards. In the last 5 years, Sam has been a part of UNODC initiatives on the International Quality Assurance Programme and the Trainer of TREATNET Family intervention in Indonesia. Sam set up Rumah Singgah PEKA, a treatment center for SUDs. This year Sam has embarked on a new initiative: The SMART Recovery Indonesia.