Sophia Achab

Sophia Achab

Medical Director of the Swiss pioneering treatment Centre ReConnecte specialized in addictive behaviors (Internet, Gambling, Gaming..) at University Hospitals of Geneva in Switzerland active since 2007.
Head of WHO Collaborating Centre for Training and Research in Mental Health, and responsible for collaborating activities on addictive disorders and behaviors. She has been part since 2013 of several technical advisory groups (TAGs) for international  (WHO) and Swiss policy making and public health entities in the field of Internet-related disorders..
She developed a unique fit between clinical practice, research, teaching and public health mandates in this emergent medical field, advocating for a balance between opportunities and health risks of tech. She is Psychiatrist and psychotherapist specialized in addiction medicine and senior lecturer at Faculty of Medicine of Geneva University. And she holds a PhD in Life sciences with a research line on “Population and clinical perspectives of Behavioral addictions”. Published the last decade >140 scientific works including 3 thesis and 13 book chapters.
She is representative for Europe at Regional Council of ISAM, Co-chair of the executive committee of ISAM-NeXT, and Steering Committee of Global expert Network at ISAM. She is as well advisory board member of International Society for the Study of Addictive Behaviors (ISSBA).