Yuliia Yachnik

Yuliia Yachnik

Yulia Yachnik is Research Associate of the institute of Psychiatry of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Project Coordinator of the International Technology Transfer Center (ITTC) Ukraine. She is ATTC Ukraine National Trainer and Supervisor, mhGAP Master Trainer and Supervisor, EUPC Trainer (Trainee). Since 2019, she has been a consultant to the WHO Ukrainian Office on the implementation of mhGAP in Ukraine, participated in the development of the WHO training package ""Mental health and psychosocial support in preparation for COVID-19, response and recovery"" and supported development of mobile community mental health teams in Ukraine. Participated in the EUPC adaptation and translation in Ukraine in 2021. Since 2021 is an expert on mental health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, member of working groups on addiction treatment and rehabilitation guidelines.