The International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR)

The International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) was established in 2016 and incorporated as a not-for-profit organisation in March, 2018. The goal of ICUDDR is to support development of competencies and skills of addiction professionals, to meet an increasing demand for prevention and treatment services. Toward this end, the purpose of ICUDDR is to facilitate networking among universities to promote high-quality education and training in the field of addiction prevention and treatment. It also pursues related applied addictions research, outreach and advocacy. ICUDDR supports the formation of academic programmes in addiction studies at a time when demand is at an all-time high. Currently, many institutions are establishing addiction specialties in medicine, and many physicians and other health care professionals could benefit from continuing education to prevent and treat substance use disorders. The creation of effective academic programmes in addiction studies hinges on the awareness that new and enhanced prevention and treatment systems and services require a specialised and multidisciplinary workforce that is educated and trained to deliver these services.

Please visit ICCUDR’s website for more information on ICUDDR membership, events and activities:

From Research to Practice: Insights from Global Initiatives

Presented at Thessaloniki 2024, on the 27th of June, 2024. Moderator: Dr. Jallal Toufiq (⚑ Morocco) - ICUDDR Presentations: Diep Nguyen - The Implementation of Methadone Maintenance Treatment in Vietnam: A Scoping Review of Achievements and...

Special Focus: Adolescents and Emerging Adults

Presented at Thessaloniki 2024, on the 26th of June, 2024. Moderator: Ms. Hala Najm (⚑ Lebanon) - ICUDDR Presentations: Carmen Orte - Youth as Active Agents in Prevention: training experience with undergraduate students Salman Shazad -...

Road to Recovery - Stories from Youth Cannabis Users

Video and audio recordings
Presented at Thessaloniki 2024 - Panel: Special Focus: Adolescents and Emerging Adults, on the 26th of June, 2024. Authors: 1.Mrs. Malsha Muneer (⚑ Maldives) 1 2.Ms. Zara Athif (⚑ Maldives) 2 3.Dr. Aishath Nasheedha (⚑ Maldives) 1 4.Ms...

Part 2 - Examining Mechanisms and Conditional Processes: An Introduction to Moderation and Mediation

Event Date

In line with ICUDDR’s goal of capacity building in research, a two-part webinar on the fundamentals of mediation, moderation, and conditional processes will be held on September 9 and 16, from 8:00 to 9:30 AM US Eastern Time. Dr. Nepthaly Botor from the University of the Philippines-Los Baños will discuss the purposes, processes, and interpretations of moderation and mediation to maximize its use for Social Sciences research.

Part 1: Examining Mechanisms and Conditional Processes: An Introduction to Moderation and Mediation

Event Date

In line with ICUDDR’s goal of capacity building in research, a two-part webinar on the fundamentals of mediation, moderation, and conditional processes will be held on September 9 and 16, from 8:00 to 9:30 AM US Eastern Time. Dr. Nepthaly Botor from the University of the Philippines-Los Baños will discuss the purposes, processes, and interpretations of moderation and mediation to maximize its use for Social Sciences research.