( Note: the term “prevention” in this article is particularly addressing evidence-based prevention with respect to “substance use”. The underlying principles of prevention can be applied to many other areas of prevention.)
So, what is INEP?
INEP – an INtroduction to Evidence- based Prevention – was developed and is provided by Charles University in Prague. It was an output of a project called “UPC-Adapt” funded by the European Commission in 2018. Other prevention specialists were consulted for feedback and input and the 10 Session Programme content was the result. It has close links to the European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) and is offered as one route towards further training including joining an EUPC course as the next step in developing a better understanding of prevention.
Why did ISSUP get involved with INEP? The original plan for the INEP content was for it to be offered as a “do-it-yourself” course by accessing it on the website and following the instructions for completing the Course. This gave ISSUP a little concern given the richness, value but also complexity of the content with no chance for discussion or checking out understanding or the new learning the programme content offered. ISSUP discussed this with Charles University who were happy for ISSUP to prepare and provide the “Plus” of an online INEP course. This involved developing a training programme for ISSUP trainers to allow its National Chapters to become Facilitators of INEP Plus in their countries.
The “Plus” Facilitator training has been prepared as a ten-session course. It includes participants homework to address the INEP Content Sessions and using the time in between homework for two hour virtual sessions to review, discuss, share, and promote a clear understanding of the issues raised through the homework content. The virtual sessions offer different ways of addressing key issues from the content using small group discussions and collaborative learning to deepen the understanding of complex topics and to allow participants to collaborate and learn with peers. It also addresses what it takes to be a Facilitator and gives time to consider in-country implementation of INEP Plus. Participants completed the Course with an “Action Plan” for running INEP Plus courses to target “beginners” in the field of prevention and offering them an introduction to evidence-based prevention. On successful completion of the Course the Facilitators are provided with a detailed portfolio for implementation and the documents to use in their in-country facilitator role, along with ongoing access to the other trained Facilitators and to appropriate ISSUP staff.
3 Courses – 28 Countries – 69 Facilitators
ISSUP has now run 3 INEP Plus Facilitator training courses for its National Chapters with 69 participants from 28 countries where the trained Facilitators have begun, or plan, providing INEP Plus. The feedback from the Facilitator training has been very positive both from the knowledge perspective indicated through the pre and post-test for the course and from the more detailed feedback from participants concerning the structure, overall provision and methodology. ISSUP is keen to continually review the provision with a view to its improvement and potential. It offers a unique entry point for those wishing to have a better understanding of prevention and consideration of the role they play and what is required to build their professional competence.
Treatment “Expertise” for Prevention and Facilitation?
An interesting topic of particular interest and promoting lively discussion during the courses was the issue of whether treatment “experts” were “ready-made” or “natural” prevention providers and “experts” due to their treatment training and engagement with substance use disorders. This also moved into a discussion as to whether “expertise” in prevention or treatment meant that the same person would also be a good facilitator for introducing the INEP content to course participants? Details surrounding these two questions demand another article – or joining the next course – but they certainly provided food for thought and a lot of positive – and “interesting” contributions.

What? So What? Now What?
The key question to be addressed following ISSUP’s provision of INEP Plus is what has been achieved and what can now be provided in the light of the INEP Plus Facilitator provision? The initial response is:
- We now have 69 ISSUP trained Facilitators in 28 countries where the vast majority report that they understand evidence-based prevention better and who feel equipped to facilitate others to begin their journey in understanding what prevention means.
- We have suggested implementing in-country INEP Plus Course working in pairs initially to gain confidence and to provide mutual support for groups of 20. Even at that level there is the potential for 560 people to receive an initial understanding of evidence-based prevention.
- We have the possibility to build this cadre of facilitators where ISSUP has its National Chapters – we aim to offer a fourth INEP Plus Course in Autumn 2023.
- We – and the participants – have identified new needs for professionalising the prevention workforce and a virtual model of what and how they can be addressed.
Always Challenges….but…"It is absolutely great to be part of efforts to extend the INEP Plus training to the grassroots." (Course participant, The Gambia)
Of course, there are challenges to implementation of INEP Plus in some countries. For example:
- Language is a major problem as we seek, with Charles University, and help from others – including course participants – to have the INEP Course content in the different languages of those who have taken the Course.
- The Facilitator training has been provided in English and Spanish thus far but there is a need to expand this if possible.
- The National Chapters require support – financial and professional – to be able to undertake and provide the facilitation of INEP Plus. The voluntary input of the facilitators and ISSUP National Chapter personnel is significant and illustrates the incredible commitment of those involved in INEP Plus and undertaking their role as a National Chapter.
- The Course - both INEP content and training - needs to be reviewed and refined. This means time and money for those capable of undertaking this work!
One can only look to ways of addressing these challenges and removing the “road blocks” to success with INEP Plus. The reality is that the potential achievements outweigh the challenges. The message from those who been involved is that INEP Plus is providing a valuable function for the opportunity to work together to better understand what prevention means in the 21st Century.
"Thank you very much for the opportunity to participate in this outstanding course. Great organization, excellent trainers-facilitators and a wonderful online course at the heart of it all ensured an intense, rich and interesting learning process. Thank you again for your work in advancing evidence-based prevention around the world." (Course participant, Dr. Stanislav Chumak)
Jeff Lee and Rachele Donini
January 2023