
This week, we say goodbye to our dear friend and mentor, Jeff Lee, the founding Executive Director of ISSUP. Jeff was a steadfast advocate for the professionalization of prevention, insisting that those working in this field should be appropriately specialized.
After a short pause we are delighted to be back with a fresh issue of the ISSUP newsletter for our readers and members.
ISSUP Nigeria has released its sixteenth Newsletter! This edition features ISSUP Nigeria Chapter 6th Annual National Scientific Conference/ General Meeting, recognition of colleagues who have distinguished themselves in their commitment and support to ISSUP as well as awards. Solidarity messages from local and international partners are also presented in this edition. Enjoy it!
During February, we celebrated the successful completion of the National LEAD Institute’s UTC Introductory Counselling Skills Certification Course in collaboration with ISSUP Bahamas National Chapter.
The 68th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) was held in Vienna, Austria, from March 10–14, 2025. As the primary policy-making body of the United Nations on drug-related matters, the CND plays a pivotal role in shaping global drug policy, overseeing the implementation of international drug control treaties, and responding to emerging challenges in drug demand and supply reduction.
A very warm welcome to this edition. We are excited to announce that the ISSUP Regional Conference 2025 is taking place in September on the island of Bali, Indonesia, and details are now available on our website.
تقديم الملخصات مفتوح الآن للعروض الشفوية والملصقات في المؤتمر الإقليمي ISSUP 2025 في بالي ، إندونيسيا.
Carcere, dipendenze patologiche e farmaci: un rapporto problemo فيرونا ، إيتالي ، 28 فبراير 2025 ECM (tutte le figure professionali sanitarie)  Responsabili scientifici dell'evento: Fabio Lugoboni & Camillo Smacchia Il carcere è un microcosmo che presenta, dal punto di vista di chi si occupa di salut, molti aspetti peculiari di non facile approccio e soluzione.
يسر الفرع الوطني في لبنان أن يعلن عن انتقال كبير في القيادة. واعتبارا من ذلك على الفور، تولت الآنسة مروة يحيى منصب المدير خلفا للسيد  أنتوني أبي زيد، الذي كان ملحوظا في تعزيز مبادرات الفرع. لعب السيد أنتوني أبي زيد دورا محوريا في تأسيس وتعزيز أنشطة ISSUP لبنان. كان التزامه ومساهماته في نمو الفرع ومهمته المتمثلة في الوقاية من تعاطي المخدرات وعلاجه لا تقدر بثمن. نعرب عن امتناننا العميق لأنتوني على مساهماته البارزة ونتمنى له كل النجاح في مساعيه المستقبلية.
ISSUP Nigeria would like to invite you to the 26th session of its bi-monthly webinar in the Knowledge Update Series. This webinar will focus on the topic of 'The Role of Family in Substance Use Prevention'.