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James Walsh, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary: Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, U.S Department of State , Ms Jimena Kalawski, Chief of the Demand Reduction Unit of CICAD, Mrs Cisse Mariama Mohamed, Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development African Union Commission, Dr. Benjamin Reyes - Secretary General, Colombo Plan, Melody Heaps (Chairperson - ISSUP), H.E. Dr. Hamad Al Ghafri

حفل الختام ، اليوم 3 ، المسار 1 ، 15:30-17:30

تم تقديمه كجزء من حدث توحيد المجتمع العالمي لمواجهة تحدي الإدمان ، شخصيا في 14 مايو 2022




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