ISAM Webinar- COVID-19 and SUD: A Global Perspective on Challenges and Solutions


ISAM Webinar Series on COVID19, 2nd Meeting

Wed, Apr 15, 2020 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM (CDT) - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (BST)

Speakers will discuss:

  • Examples of good practice.
  • Items that were first considered non-essential services that might have had unintended consequences for substance-using (drug and/or alcohol) populations.
  • Suggestions for training, research, or policy that could help experts to be better prepared in the future.


Introduction to ISAM Policy and Practice Interest Group (ISAM-PPIG) (Alex Baldacchino)

Global Experience by UNODC (Anja Busse) 

What has happened from the first webinar, updates from speakers from the first webinar: 

International Best Practices Panel: Netherlands (Cor de Jong), Morocco (Fatima Elomari), China (Chen Hongxian), Canada (Christian Schuetz), Australia (Shalini Arunogiri), France (Eric Peyron)

US Experience by NIDA (Nora Volkow)

Specific issues: Psychosocial Interventions (Judson Brewer), Alcohol (Julia Sinclair), Homelessness (Joe Tay), Poly-drug use (Christian Ohldieck), Dual diagnosis (Nestor Szerman)

Q&A and Conclusion (Kathleen Brady and Alex Baldacchino)

9.55-10.00: Next Steps

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