Webinar: Introduction to Motivational Interview

Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Name of Speaker

ISSUP Argentina invites you to participate in a webinar that will address the Motivational Interview. Concept and advancement in addressing drug-related situations. The webinar will take place on Friday, October 23, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. (Argentine time).

October 23, 2020, 10:00 - 11:00 hrs (Argentina time)

Click here to sign up for the webinar

The Webinar aims to provide an initial framework for the practice of Motivational Interview. The 4 fundamental elements of MS and the fundamental skills for the exercise of their practice will be developed in an introductory manner.

Presenter: Nicolas Poliansky
Psychologist. Researcher PhD in Health Sciences at the University Institute in Health Sciences Fundación Barceló.

Master Trainer (in training) of the Colombo Plan, Drug Advisory Programme (DAP), CHILD Programme (Child Intervention for Living Drug-Free). International Society of Substance Use Professionals: Professional Member (ISSUP)

Member of the Argentine chapter of ISSUP

Director at Fundación Convivir. Center for Mental Health and Addiction. Outpatient treatment for people with problematic consumption of psychoactive substances; specialized in dual pathology: research, prevention and assistance in problematic consumptions.

Assistant Professor of Community Psychology in the Psychology Career of the University of the Argentine Social Museum (UMSA). Professor of Addiction Clinic in the Psychology Career of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).

Vice-President of the Chapter "Strategies for risk and harm reduction in the integral approach to consumption" of the Argentine Mental Health Association (AASM).

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