50th Annual Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society (KBS) for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol

50th Annual Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society (KBS) for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol

The Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol  was established in 1986 and originated in the epidemiology section of the International Council on Alcohol and Addictions (ICAA). The KBS society is an international organization of scientists engaged in research on the social aspects of alcohol use and alcohol problems. The aim of the society is to promote social and epidemiological research on alcohol and foster a comparative understanding of alcohol use and alcohol problems in a spirit of international cooperation.

The society acts a medium for international  comparative research projects, such as the GENACIS project (Gender, Alcohol and Culture). It sponsors international seminars on theoretical, methodological or substantive topics. It organises regular meetings for the presentation of research papers and discussion. The main activity is the annual alcohol epidemiology symposium, which are attended by 150-200 persons. In addition, the society sponsors thematic meetings.

Scientists working on problems related to social and epidemiological research on alcohol can apply for membership to the Coordinating Committee.

The 50th Anniversary KBS Symposium for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol is jointly hosted by the Institute for Social Marketing and Health at the University of Stirling, and the University of Glasgow.

To join the mailing list for updates, or for any other queries, please email kbs2025scotland [at] gmail [dot] com (kbs2025scotland[at]gmail[dot]com)

The main KBS Symposium (9 – 13 June 2025) will be held at the University of Glasgow’s James McCune Smith Learning Hub.

Pre-symposium meetings (6, 7 & 8 June 2025) may be held at the University of Glasgow or the University of Stirling