
Sesi Langsung tentang "Manajemen Stres" oleh ISSUP Pakistan Chapter dan Youth Forum Pakistan pada 12 Desember 2020.

ISSUP Pakistan Chapter and Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention) menyelenggarakan  sesi Langsung dalam Bahasa Nasional Urdu tentang "MANAJEMEN STRES" di Halaman Facebook ISSUP Pakistan Chapter's and Youth Forum Pakistan.


Sesi Langsung tentang "Prinsip Pencegahan Penggunaan Zat Berbasis Bukti"

Kami mengundang Anda untuk bergabung besok Sesi Langsung tentang "Prinsip Pencegahan Penggunaan Zat Berbasis Bukti" di Halaman Facebook ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, Pembicara Tamu Dr. Sajid Iqbal Alyana (Ph.D. dalam Psikologi Klinis dan Konsultan Psikolog di Institute of Clinical Psychology UOK) dengan Ms.Saima Asghar Direktur Eksekutif ISSUP Pakistan Chapter Executive Director New Life Rehab Center, Sialkot pada 6 Desember 2020, waktu: 6-7 pm Waktu Pakistan.

Link untuk bergabung:


Sesi langsung tentang "Codependency VS Pro-Dependency" yang diselenggarakan oleh ISSUP Pakistan National Chapter dan Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention) pada 1 Desember 2020 di Halaman Facebook ISSUP Pakistan Chapter.

Sesi langsung tentang "Codependency VS Pro-Dependency" dilakukan oleh ISSUP Pakistan National Chapter and Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention) pada 1 Desember 2020 pukul 5-6 sore Waktu Pakistan.


Live session on "Codependency VS Pro-Dependency" organized by ISSUP Pakistan Chapter and Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention) on December 1st' 2020 on ISSUP Pakistan Chapter's Facebook Page.

Live session was conducted on "Ending the HIV & AIDS Epidemic: Resilience and Impact" organized by ISSUP Pakistan National Chapter and Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention) to celebrate World Aids Day on December 1st, 2020. All technical support was provided by Ms. Saima Asghar Director ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, Guest Speaker was Mr.


Seminar on World AIDS Day “Ending the HIV Epidemic” Resilience & Impact organized by Equip Research & Development, ISSUP Pakistan Chapter and Youth Forum Pakistan on 1st December 2020 at Multan-Pakistan

World AIDS Day December 1st, 2020 has been observed by the team of EQUIP Research & Development Consultants in collaboration & partnership with ISSUP Pakistan & Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention) at the EQUIP Head Office, Multan, Pakistan on 1st December 2020.


Sesi Langsung tentang "Penyalahgunaan Zat di Pakistan dan Tindakan Pencegahannya di Kalangan Pemuda"

diselenggarakan oleh ISSUP Pakistan National Chapter and Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention) di Halaman Facebook ISSUP Pakistan hari ini pada tanggal 28 November 2020 dari pukul 6.00 - 7.00 malam waktu Pakistan.

Pembicara tamu adalah Ms. Sundas Sohail Khan, Psikolog Klinis / International Certified Addiction Professional and Youth Leader Youth Forum Pakistan's Team Karachi yang dipandu oleh Mr. Waseem Hassan Awan Anchor Person and Advisor Youth Forum Pakistan.


Sesi Langsung tentang "Prinsip Pencegahan Penggunaan Zat Berbasis Bukti"

Sesi Langsung di
"Prinsip Pencegahan Penggunaan Zat Berbasis Bukti"
di Halaman Facebook ISSUP Pakistan National Chapter pada 6 Desember 2020 pukul 18.00 - 19.00 waktu Pakistan.
Pembicara Tamu Dr. Sajid Iqbal Alyana (P.H.D), dan Moderator Ms. Saima Asghar, Direktur ISSUP Pakistan Chapter.


One Day Seminar for Teachers on Substance Use Prevention organized by ISSUP Pakistan National Chapter in collaboration with Youth Forum Pakistan and M A Jinnah Foundation (Regd), Sialkot.

One Day Seminar for Teachers on Substance Use Prevention was organized by ISSUP Pakistan National Chapter in collaboration with Youth Forum Pakistan (For Dug Use Prevention) and M A Jinnah Foundation (Regd), Sialkot on November 24th, 2020 at Government High School Daska Road, Sialkot.


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