
WEBINAR: ISSUP SA - Pengujian Ganja di Tempat Kerja

Shared by Livia -
Originally posted by Roger Weimann -
Event Date
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South Africa
Event Type
ISSUP Webinar
Afrika Selatan

Bahasa Inggris
Cannabis Testing in the Workplace

Dr. Tim Laurens BSc (Ed), BSc (Hons ), MSc (Chem), MSc (Toxicol), MPhil (Med Law), PhD (Chem), PhD (Med Law) saat ini adalah dosen senior dan manajer Laboratorium Toksikologi Forensik dan juga direktur perusahaan swasta: Point-of-Care Technologies yang berspesialisasi dalam pengujian obat dan teknologi terkait. Hingga 2002 ia bertugas di Departemen Patologi Kimia dan di departemen Kimia di Universitas Pretoria. Dia memiliki pengalaman tiga puluh delapan tahun dalam Toksikologi Forensik dan dia telah bertindak sebagai konsultan untuk Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa tentang Laboratorium Forensik di Afrika, dan juga untuk Departemen Kesehatan tentang hal-hal terkait toksikologi forensik. Dia juga bertindak sebagai saksi ahli di pengadilan Afrika Selatan.

BSc(Ed), BSc(Hons), MSc(Chem), MSc(Toxicol), MPhil (Med Law), PhD(Chem), PhD(Med Law) Dr. Tim Laurens is currently a senior lecturer and manager of the Forensic Toxicology Laboratory and is also a director of a private company: Point-of-Care Technologies that specialises in drug testing and related technologies. Up to 2002 he served in the Department of Chemical Pathology and in the department of Chemistry at the University of Pretoria. He has thirty-eight years’ experience in Forensic Toxicology and he has acted as a consultant for the United Nations on Forensic Laboratories in Africa, and as well as for the Department of Health on forensic toxicology related matters. He also acts as an expert witness in the South African courts.