Diskusi Panel tentang Perempuan dalam Pemulihan

The history of the Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific, one of the oldest regional inter-governmental organizations dates far back as 1950, when the idea was first conceived to enhance economic and social development of the countries of the region. The Colombo Plan was established on 1 July 1951 by Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan, New Zealand, Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom and currently has expanded to include 26 member countries including non-Commonwealth countries and countries belonging to regional groupings such as ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations) and SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation). The Colombo Plan is a partnership concept of self-help and mutual-help in development aimed at socio-economic progress of its member countries.
DAP is part of the Colombo Plan and is the only regional intergovernmental programme exclusively aimed at capacity building for drug demand reduction in the Asia and Pacific Region. During the last three decades the DAP has assisted member counties in initiating the process of policy evolution, in finding appropriate solutions on a bilateral and/or multi-lateral basis and in encouraging national efforts among member countries towards drug demand reduction.
Since its inception, DAP has focused on responding to the changing needs of member countries that face multi-faceted problems in regards to illicit drug production, trafficking and abuse. DAP has embarked on several innovative strategies in six arms.
The services in these networks are also extended to non-member countries, keeping up with the Colombo Plan mandate of self-help and mutual-help in development.
Dewan Pengendalian Obat Berbahaya Nasional dengan bangga telah merencanakan untuk melakukan Simposium Internasional tentang Studi Terkait Obat 2022 akan diadakan dari 1 dan 2 Desember 2022 di Kolombo, Sri Lanka untuk memfasilitasi pertukaran informasi di antara para profesional di bidang medis, ilmiah, hukum, keadilan, ilmu sosial, pendidikan, perawatan dan rehabilitasi dan layanan terkait lainnya tentang pengendalian pasokan obat dan penguran
Global Initiative on Substance Abuse (GISA) akan memberikan sesi pelatihan penyalahgunaan zat tentang Kurikulum Pencegahan Universal (UPC).
Pelatihan ini akan terdiri dari 9 kursus dan akan berlangsung di pusat pelatihan non-perumahan di Negara Bagian Lagos, Nigeria dari tanggal 15 hingga 24 Januari 2019.