Congresso ISAM 2023 a Marrakech
All'inizio di novembre, ISSUP e ISSUP Kenya hanno partecipato al 25° Congresso Annuale della Società Internazionale di Medicina delle Dipendenze (ISAM) a Marrakech, in Marocco.
Who Helps The Helper? A Skills Transfer Program for Behavioural and Substance Use Professionals
Women, Religion, Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Stigma
Trattamento e prevenzione dei disturbi da uso di sostanze sul posto di lavoro
Character Strengths and Recovery from Addiction
INEP Plus Hybrid Facilitators Course
Outreach Courtesy Call to the Administration Police Service
On Thursday 16th February ISSUP (K) President Dr. Pamela Kaithuru and Deputy President Catherine Muthiani paid a courtesy call on Director Kanini, Head of Medical Services, Administration Police Services. They introduced ISSUP to the Administration Police Service and discussed possible areas of collaboration. The director was joined by Dr Muthondeki, Head of Mental Wellness, APS. The successful meeting will be followed by a proposal identifying areas and modalities of partnership.
ISSUP Kenya incontra giovani imprenditori locali interessati alla DDR
ISSUP-KENYA ha incontrato gli imprenditori locali interessati alla DDR sotto l'egida del Country Music Cafe attraverso l'Associazione per la Prevenzione e la Riabilitazione delle Dipendenze del Kenya (APRAK). Si è discusso di formazione, consulenza e advocacy in materia di prevenzione.
Siamo stati guidati dalla nostra Presidente Dott.ssa Pamela Nkirote Kaithuru, dalla Segretaria Dott.ssa Jackie Anundo accompagnata da me Albert Muraya come responsabile PR/Media.
ISSUP Kenya meeting with Women In Mental Health Interventions and Treatment (WIMIT)
ISSUP Kenya President Dr. Pamela Kaithuru represented us in a successful meeting with Women In Mental Health Interventions and