A great opportunity for professional treatment and prevention of substance use.

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Portuguese, Brazil


A great opportunity for professional treatment and prevention of substance use.

Work in the field of substance abuse is, at the same time, a great challenge and a great opportunity to grow, help people and make a difference in the world. The scholarship program Hubert h. Humphrey, is a great opportunity for professionals in the field of prevention and treatment. The program offers ten months of academic study and related professional experiences changed in the United States. The Humphrey Fellows are selected based on your leadership potential and your commitment to the service of collective good in the public or private sector. The Humphrey Program promotes a mutual exchange of knowledge and understanding on issues of common interest in the United States and in the countries of origin of the Fellows. The program offers valuable opportunities for Fellows leadership development and professional engagement with the Americans and their peers from many Nations. More than 5,700 men and women were honored as Humphrey Fellows since the start of the program in 1978. Approximately 150 scholarships are awarded annually. Thirteen major universities of the United States host Humphrey Fellows. These host universities are chosen for your excellence in study areas designated by program and by the resources and support they offer Humphrey Fellows.

The Humphrey Fellowships are granted competitively to candidates who are in mid-career professionals in many fields.

Candidates are required to have an undergraduate degree, a minimum of five years of substantial professional experience in full time, experienced limited or no prior experience in the United States, demonstrated leadership qualities, a record of public service in the community and strong skills in the English language.

The Humphrey Program is a Fulbright Exchange activity. Major funding is provided by the U.S. Congress through the Bureau of educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State. The co-sponsors include other government agencies, multinational organizations and private donors. The Institute of international education (IIE) assists the U.S. Department of State in the administration of the Humphrey Fellowship Program.


Drugs (education, prevention and treatment).

Public health policies and Administration;

HIV/AIDS (policy and prevention);

Agricultural and Rural Development;

Management of natural resources and environment; Climate change and Environmental Policies;

Urban and Regional planning.

Communication and journalism;

Law and Human Rights;

Public policy analysis and public administration;

Trafficking in persons;

Public policy and Management in technology.


Monthly stipend for maintenance according to the locale in the USA;

Tuition and school fees;

Allowance for purchase of computer and books;

Round-trip passage to the United States;

Limited health insurance for accidents and diseases;

Intensive English (the scholars who do not have minimum proficiency in English required, may be recommended for intensive English training programs).

For more information about how to subscribe, click on the following link: https://fulbright.org.br/edital/h-h-humphrey/