Training on UTC 5, refresher courses and an ICAP 1 exam take place in Tunisia from 25 February to 5 March 2020

To promote evidence-based interventions in the treatment of drug use disorders, UNODC PTRS supported the latest training session on admission, screening, evaluation, treatment planning and documentation for addiction professionals, with the leader of the global trainers of the Universal Treatment Program (UTC) in French-speaking West Africa. The session, attended by UNODC's mentor in Côte d'Ivoire, took place from February 25 to March 4, 2020 in Tunis, Tunisia. 18 treatment professionals from Tunis then took the ICAP 1 certification exam on 5 March 2020, coordinated by the National Institute of Public Health, Tunisian Ministry of Health. 17 treatment professionals from Tunis then took the ICAP 1 certification exam (94%) pass rate March 5, 2020, coordinated by the National Institute of Public Health, Tunisian Ministry of Health.