Students with disabilities and the Pandemic

Original Language

Portuguese, Brazil

issup brasil
Primeira Infância
Aluno com Deficiência
Inclusão Social

Students with disabilities and the Pandemic

Students with disabilities, almost forgotten in times of pandemic, need to be included in order to guarantee their right to education.

The pandemic collapsed our routine daily life and opened up the inequality that exists in society, and, consequently, of the educational system. The inequality of access to information and technology, as well as that of opportunities were presented in the educational agenda.

All who have a connection with education were affected - teachers, students, principals, pedagogical coordinators, parents - and the intensity was not uniform, since some were more severely.

Within this scenario, we highlight the situation of students with disabilities, who ended up receiving a significant impact in view of the abrupt closure of schools and the absence of an educational system that could respond to their demands.

It also deserves special attention in this pandemic scenario, the role of the school in this unusual situation, and what actions to develop for the effectiveness of an inclusive educational system.

With regard to students with disabilities, it is verified, once again, that it has been forgotten. There were several articles, publications and lives that dealt with education as a whole, but did not give proper attention to students with disabilities.

It was as if he did not exist or did not need and/or suffered from the closure of schools. This pandemic represented a setback in the treatment to be given to students with disabilities, as it referred their daily lives to an outdated paradigm of isolation.

Similarly, the school, which already had difficulties to deal with the student with disabilities in a situation of normality, due to the pandemic experienced now, made evident its unpreparedness.

However, the school is recognized as the "locus of equity", so it should provide all children and adolescents, including those with disabilities, equal access to culture, avoiding measures that accentuate eventual inequality. It must work to make the Inclusive Educational System effective, even in times of pandemic.

In view of this situation, doctors Luiz Antonio Miguel Ferreira, Luiz Gustavo Fabris Ferreira,of the Instituto Fabris Ferreira, together with Carlos Roberto Jamil Cury and Ana Maria Samuel da Silva Rezende,elaborated this article that focuses on the issue of students with disabilities in the face of the pandemic, and portrays not only the current situation with the interruption of classes and social isolation, but also their return and the difficulties that should be faced.

It is a very complete document that covers issues such as the right to education in times of pandemic, specialized educational care aimed at students with disabilities, protocols for a safe return to face-to-face classes and an opinion issued by the National Council of Education (its implications and questions) that deals with educational guidelines for conducting classes and activities in person and non-face-to-face in the context of the pandemic.

The document is annexed in its entirety. It's worth reading!