Training Program for Guardianship Counselors

Original Language

Portuguese, Brazil

issup brasil
Instituto Fabris Ferreira
Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente
Ministério Público
Conselho Tutelar

Training Program for Guardianship Counselors

Freemind and ISSUP Brasil are pleased to promote the Training Program for Tutelary Counselors, conceived and carried out by the Fabris Ferreira Institute and Dr. Luiz Antônio Miguel Ferreira, freemind partners.

The Fabris Ferreira Institute is a law firm with a high degree of specialization in the areas of Childhood and Youth, People with Disabilities, Education and Civil, recognized by institutions of national and international scope.

The Institute was created to fill a gap in the market and also meet constitutional and legal commands, focusing on the training, training and training of professionals, in addition to offering lectures in the areas of public policies, with special attention to children and youth, people with disabilities and education.

It thus offers as one of its main services, training and specialized training for initial and continuous training to the Full Councillors of various municipalities throughout Brazil.

Aware of the problems that the Tutelary Counselors face, the training is developed in two moments. The first involves a theoretical part, with the detailing of the Statute of the Child and Adolescent.

The second is eminently practical, focused on the issues that occur in the daily life of their performance.

Training can take place remotely (online) or in person, and may involve only the full counsellors as well as the entire network of care for children and adolescents in the municipality.

The person responsible for the training is Dr. Luiz Antônio Miguel Ferreira, retired São Paulo State Prosecutor, Lawyer and Consultant. Dr. Luiz Antônio is an expert in Diffuse and Collective Rights by the Higher School of Public Prosecutors, Master in Education from the State University of São Paulo - UNESP/FCT, author of books and articles in the areas of childhood and youth, people with disabilities and education.

Training Content

  • ECA - design, structure and fundamental principles
  • Fundamental rights: health, respect, freedom and dignity, family life, education and professionalization
  • Prevention
  • Service policy
  • Municipal Council of the Rights of children and adolescents
  • Guardianship Council: nature, attributions and networking
  • Axes of action: infraction, family coexistence, sexual violence, education, child labor
  • Protection and socio-educational measures
  • Prosecutor
  • Child and Adolescent Rights Protection System
  • Practical questions of the ct's performance

Are you interested? Contact:

Luiz Antonio Miguel

F: (18) 3217-3487 / (18) 99772-4744

luiz [dot] ferreira [dot] mp [at] gmail [dot] com (luiz[dot]ferreira[dot]mp[at]gmail[dot]com)

luizantonio [at] miguelferreira [dot] com [dot] br (luizantonio[at]miguelferreira[dot]com[dot]br)

Programa de Capacitação de Conselheiros Tutelares

Sobre o Instituto Fabris Ferreira

Responsável pela Capacitação

Sobre a capacitação

Conteúdo da Capacitação

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