2017 annual bulletin, National Observatory on drugs of Guatemala

The National Observatory on drugs (OND) of the SECCATID works in the Constitution of a network of information on drugs (RID) in Guatemala, with the members of the Commission against addiction and illicit drugs - CCATID - and other institutions that can provide national information on drugs and addictions. OND is intended, through research, to obtain statistical data accurate, current, and reliable, on the consumption of drugs, as well as incineration, eradication, seizure and other indicators related to the drug issue, for help to the directions of the Executive Secretariat of the Commission against addiction and illicit drugs (SECCATID) and others working in the prevention and reduction of the demand and supply of substances psychoactive in Guatemala.
The information presented here includes a cumulative of all statistical information for the year 2017, that has been analyzed and processed by the OND after having received the databases of the Centre of outpatient treatment (CTA) and the Directorate of prevention , both of SECCATID; as well as in the initial gratitude mentioned institutions, which have collaborated in providing its databases and the information needed to make a crossing of variables and have a wide perspective on the problem.