Reduction of mortality through improved detection of high blood pressure and problems with alcohol in primary health care in Spain

Scientific article
Published by / Citation
Rehm, J., Gmel, G., Sierra, C., & Gual, A. (2016). Reducción de la mortalidad mediante una mejor detección de la hipertensión y los problemas con el alcohol en atención primaria de salud en España. Adicciones, 30(1), 9-18. doi:
Original Language


presión arterial
consumo de alcohol
trastornos por consumo de alcohol
atención primaria de salud

Reduction of mortality through improved detection of high blood pressure and problems with alcohol in primary health care in Spain


The potential benefits that can lead to an improvement in the detection and treatment of high blood pressure and alcohol-related problems are studied through a simulation. The results show that if Spanish 50% of men between 40 and 64 years who do not know suffer from hypertension were detected and receive treatment; and if in 50% of hypertensive males will undertake screening of alcohol consumption and receive advice for reducing consumption or treatment when appropriate, the percentage of uncontrolled hypertension would descend from 61.2% to 55.9% (a reduction of 8.6%). One-third of the effect is attributable to the intervention on the alcohol. Similarly, the same interventions in women of the same age groups would imply a reduction of 7.4% of uncontrolled hypertension (40% due to the intervention of alcohol). The reduction of blood pressure in the population would avoid 412 premature deaths from cardiovascular disease (346 male and 66 female) annually. Improved detection of hypertension and screening of alcohol consumption with consequent interventions would result in a marked reduction of uncontrolled hypertension and the deaths of cardiovascular origin.

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