Who smoke in a general hospital? Clinical comment

Scientific article
Published by / Citation
Ocampo-Ocampo MA, Cuevas-Aguirre E, Borjas-Rivera I, Ramírez-Casanova ME, Cicero-Sabido R ¿Quiénes fuman en un hospital general? Comentario clínico Gac Med Mex 2001; 137 (6): 615-620
Original Language


fumador activo
fumador pasivo
humo ambiental de tabaco

Who smoke in a general hospital? Clinical comment


Justification and objective: Tobacco consumption is a public health problem. There is a group of workers who smoke in hospitals, it must be investigated who are smokers.

Method: A survey was conducted with closed questions 659 workers from a tertiary general hospital to know the prevalence of tobacco use.

Results: Smoking was 184 people positive and negative in 475. The majority of smokers were married and belonged to the areas Administration (53) and medical (46). The degree of schooling was not a determining factor for the consumption of tobacco. The most frequent home age was between 10 and 20 years. The main causes for the consumption of tobacco are the sensation of pleasure, relaxation and the urge to smoke.

Conclusion: The main place of consumption of tobacco is labor, which causes to be 72% of the population surveyed that coexists with the smokers from passive smoking. It is considered the importance of taking action to prevent smoking in work areas and have a smoke-free hospital.