Development of social skills in school: experience of a prevention strategy

Scientific article
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Gutierrez, M. L., y Villatoro, J. A. (2012). Desarrollo de habilidades sociales en la escuela: experiencia de una estrategia de prevención. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Niñez y Juventud en Lucha por sus Derechos, 5, 34-40.
Original Language


Habilidades Sociales
Prevención Escolar

Development of social skills in school: experience of a prevention strategy

Research has shown that if children receive preventive interventions from an early age, aimed to promote the development of healthy lifestyle habits and development of appropriate skills, avoided engaging in risky behavior as the consumption of drugs. This article aims to show the results of the evaluation of the programme of prevention in mental health and Addictions "Leaving Huellitas en tu Vida" with boys and girls from 2 ° to 5 ° grade primary, focused on the development of social skills.

As learned social skills, found that after the intervention of the prevention program, children had developed a better assertiveness in its relations, had increased their self-esteem, their positive behaviors, they had better management of emotions, greater tolerance to frustration and less discrimination towards others.