Factors associated with cocaine use in users of injectable heroin in Colombia

Scientific article
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Berbesi-Fernández , D., Segura-Cardona , A., Montoya-Velez , L., & Ramirez-Medina , A. (2016). Factors associated with cocaine use in users of injectable heroin, Colombia. Salud Mental, 39(4), 205-211. doi:https://doi.org/10.17711/SM.0185-3325.2016.024
Original Language


conducta sexual
Hepatitis C
sexual behavior

Factors associated with cocaine use in users of injectable heroin in Colombia


Introduction: People who consume heroin and cocaine have increased sexual activity, risk behaviours associated with injection and inconsistent condom use, which would increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections and the presence of HIV.

Aim: Identify factors socio-demographic, behavior sexual and injection users of heroin, according to consumption or not of cocaine in five cities in Colombia.

Method: 1017 co-ed injecting drug users were surveyed. Through sampling generated by the interviewee, were reasons for prevalence (OR) raw and adjusted through a logistic regression, with their respective CI 95% according to the consumption of cocaine.

Results: 60% of injected heroin users also consumed cocaine. This population to a large extent were men, singles, under 25 years old, belonging to involved in the information and low socioeconomic strata. Risky behaviors in the last injection of the drug were higher in those who also consumed cocaine. Condom use at last sexual intercourse was less and there was a higher prevalence of HIV among the consumers of cocaine.

Discussion and conclusion: You were able to determine that the injecting drug users that consume cocaine face a high probability of presenting less condom use and HIV, as well as greater sexual and injection-related risk behaviours. Attention with preventive and social measures that decrease poly-drug use and the consequences of these drugs in Colombia is required.


Introduction: People who use heroin and cocaine have more sexual activity, risk behaviors associated with injection and inconsistent condom use, increasing the risk of sexually transmitted infections and the presence of HIV.

Objective: To identify socio-demographic factors, sexual behavior and injection heroin risk in users, according to additional consumption of cocaine in five cities in Colombia.

Method: 1017 injecting drug users over 18 years were muy; generated by the respondent, reasons of raw sampling by prevalence (OR) were calculated and adjusted through logistic regression, with their respective according to cocaine consumption.

Results: 60% of injected heroin users also used cocaine; This population was largely male, unmarried, under 25 years, belonging to low socioeconomic status and involved in dealing drugs. Risk behaviors in the last injection of the drug were higher in those who also used cocaine. Condom use at last intercourse was lower and a higher prevalence of HIV was observed in cocaine users.

Discussion and conclusion: It was determined that injecting drug users who use cocaine are faced with a high probability of HIV and less condom use, as well as greater sexual risk behavior and related to injection. Attention is required with social and preventive measures to reduce the use of psychoactive drugs, polydrug use and the consequences of these drugs in Colombia.