Early alcoholism: prevention is a challenge in search of your fight

Scientific article
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Lucia de Fátima da Silva Parente e Luís de França Camboim Neto
Original Language

Portuguese, Brazil

alcohol prevention

Early alcoholism: prevention is a challenge in search of your fight

A study by Lucia Parente and Luís Camboim reports the abusive presence of alcohol consumption by children and adolescents in our society. Alcoholism is a serious problem and considered a public health risk. Laws no. 9,294/96 and 8,069/90 prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages to children under eighteen years of age, as a way to prevent young people from the consequences arising from this type of narcotics.

The indices show that the accessibility of young people to alcohol occurs frequently. It is perceived that children and adolescents use alcoholic beverages frequently, thus compromising their psychosocial development.

The research aims to understand the ways of combating early alcoholism, seeking to understand the concept of alcoholism, in addition to analyzing the main epidemiological surveys through legislation aimed at young people and evaluating how it is young people may be warned of alcohol use early.

The study may conclude that in relation to early consumption its consequences are of harmful proportions in all categories directed to the development of the body and mind that undergoes transformations in the adolescence period requiring a physical and psychological performance.

The epidemiological surveys analyzed clearly reflect that alcohol use is still present in our society, challenging public strategies and policies for its prevention and control.

Brazilian legislation implemented and directed at children and adolescents cites prohibitions and penalties in the form of the Law for the sale and consumption of beverages to the said public as a way to eradicate this problem in our society. Public policies emerge as a form of prevention, calling states and groups to develop strategies and control early alcoholism sensitizing the population.

Forms of prevention beyond public policies also rely on family, schools and communities in search of awareness of causes that can influence early drug use, such as alcohol. In view of this scenario, it can be concluded that early alcoholism is still a social and public health problem challenging our society.

Source: Unesp