Scientific article
Published by / Citation
Richard Miech, Megan E Patrick, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston. "What Are Kids Vaping? Results from a National Survey of US Adolescents. Tobacco Control 2016: 10.
Original Language


United States

What Are Teens Vaping?

The use of e-cigarettes, also known as vaping, has become more popular among teens in recent years and has caused concern over a rise in nicotine intake among young people. In order to learn more about the percentage of nicotine consumption among e-cigarette users, a survey asked American students about the substances that they used when vaping. The survey revealed that the majority of adolescents used flavoured juices that contain no nicotine, marijuana or other drugs. A mere 13 percent of 13-year-olds and 20 percent of 15- to 18-year-olds used nicotine. Vaping of marijuana was even less common with a mere 6 – 7% of all respondents using marijuana. 

The data was taken from the Monitoring the Future Survey, which provides researchers with information about how, when, and why teenagers participate in risky behaviour like drug and alcohol use. Many of the survey's questions focus on drugs and alcohol, i.e. asking the participants about their views on illicit substances, their experience with drugs and alcohol, and general questions about lifestyle choices