Scientific article
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delaying onset
marijuana use
developing brain

Delaying Marijuana Use to Age 17 Is Better for the Teenage Brain

The longer teenagers delay the use of marijuana, the better it is for their developing brains. However, a new study has found that there may be little adverse effect if one starts smoking the drug after the age of 17. According to the investigation recently published in the journal Development and Psychopathology, teenagers who use marijuana as early as 14 fare worse on cognitive testing by age 20 and drop out of school at an increased rate compared to those who do not take the drug.

Brain impairment was found in the areas of verbal IQ, as well as other specific cognitive abilities related to the frontal part of the brain. Yet, if a teenager resists smoking marijuana until the ager of 17, such impairments can no longer be discerned. The study seems to highlight a need to focus on delaying the onset of marijuana use.

Click here to read the full article in Development and Psychopathology.