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drug use

The Punjabi Problem: Drug Use in One of India’s Wealthiest Regions


According to the BBC, a recent government-conducted investigation suggests that more than 860,000 young men (15 – 35) in the Punjab region of India take drugs. This is three times the national average. Heroin is used by 53% of all addicts, while opium and synthetic drugs including crystal meth are also preferred.

The BBC claims one estimate indicates that as much as two thirds of Punjabi families house at least one drug addict. Tarn Taran, located by the border with Pakistan, is one of the worst affected areas. Punjab’s proximity with Pakistan, as well as Afghanistan, means the smuggling of drugs across borders is a major issue. This is one reason why heroin is so freely available. Punjab is currently experiencing high levels of unemployment due to a faltering agricultural industry which formerly offered the region considerable wealth. In the 1980s, Punjab was also affected by violent separatist military clashes. Although this has now subsided, after-effects continue. One such manifestation is high levels of drug use.

Click here to read more on the BBC website (includes video-footage).