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United States
substance use disorders
health care

Limited Opportunities? Caring for People with Substance Use Disorders

According to the Addiction Technology Transfer Centre Network (ATTC) White Paper, Preparing Students to Work in Integrated Health Care System, most health care professionals, including physicians, nurses, social workers and psychologists, amongst others, are given little opportunity to learn about substance abuse in pre-service educational programmes.

Treatment of intoxication and dependence, rather than prevention or risky substance use behaviours, receive the lion’s share of coverage.

Despite the positive move in 2016 by the American Board of Medical Specialities which recognised addiction medicine as a new speciality, some medical students report feeling inadequately prepared to care for patients with drug addiction problems. Nurses and social workers suggest similar concerns.

Most significantly, some psychologists working within educational settings feel more training is needed for dealing with students who use substances.

Click here to read more and scroll down to download the ATTC White Paper, Preparing Students to Work in Integrated Health Care Systems.