Scientific article
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Arrazola RA, Ahluwalia IB, Pun E, Garcia de Quevedo I, Babb S, Armour BS. Current Tobacco Smoking and Desire to Quit Smoking Among Students Aged 13–15 Years — Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 61 Countries, 2012–2015. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017;66:533–537. DOI:
Original Language


United States
quit smoking
Global Youth Tobacco Survey

Current Tobacco Smoking and Desire to Quit Smoking among Students — Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2012–2015


What is already known about this topic?

Smoked tobacco products, such as cigarettes and cigars, are the most common form of tobacco consumed worldwide and most tobacco smokers begin smoking during adolescence.

What is added by this report?

Global Youth Tobacco Survey data from 61 countries from 2012 to 2015 revealed that the median current tobacco smoking prevalence among students aged 13–15 years was 10.7%. Tobacco smoking prevalence differed by gender and varied across countries. In the majority of countries, over 50% of youth tobacco smokers desired to quit.

What are the implications for public health practice?

Implementing the evidence-based measures outlined in the World Health Organization’s MPOWER package can help reduce tobacco use among youths, as well as the estimated 1 billion tobacco-related deaths projected to occur during the 21st century if current trends persist.