Scientific article
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United States
study drugs
non-medical use

Non-Medicinal Ritalin Use: Study Enhanced, But Taking a Chance

New research published in the Journal of Neural Transmission highlights a number of potential adverse side-effects from using the stimulant drug Ritalin without a prescription. Ritalin (Methylphenidate) is medically used to treat Attention Deficient Hyper-Activity Disorder (ADHD). However, we also know that the drug is being increasingly used by students to aid concentration.

The study shows that non-medicinal use is associated with increased risk-taking behaviour, sleep disruption and other unwanted effects. Further research found that these effects are most pronounced in females.

The lead author on the project comments: "Understanding more about the effects of methylphenidate is [...] important as people with ADHD show greater risk to be diagnosed with a drug dependency problem. In addition, this study highlights the potential long-range risks college students take in using Ritalin for a quick study boost."

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