ISSUP’s Board of Directors Meet in Prague

Last week ISSUP’s Board of Directors travelled to Prague to hold their annual board meeting. Several representatives of ISSUP’s international observers, including INL, Colombo Plan and CICAD joined the board members for their meeting. The meeting offered a chance to reflect on the organisation’s achievements so far as well as to consider and evaluate its future objectives. ISSUP’s Executive Director, Jeff Lee and ISSUP’s Deputy Executive Director, Joanna Travis-Roberts provided an extensive update on ISSUP’s workplan. Much attention was given to the development of National Chapters and future plans for annual events and meetings. A significant amount of time was spent on discussions around fundraising and business development. As part of the board meeting a resolution to adopt a series of revised Articles of Association was agreed on and signed by Melody Heaps, ISSUP's Chair.

Prior to the board meeting, ISSUP’s Executive Committee members met to revise the agenda and prepare for the meeting. After the board meeting they met again to reflect on the board meeting and discuss follow-up action points and meeting plans for the future.