Scientific article
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drinking habits
alcohol consumption
cancer risk

Parents Are a Key Influence on Teenage Drinking Habits, Study Finds

A new study that provides details of drinking habits and influential factors among Australian teenagers appears in the latest edition of the academic journal BMC Public Health.

The investigation’s findings notably include:

  • Most students had tried alcohol by age 16
  • One third reported that they drank occasionally
  • Only 28% were aware of the relationship between alcohol consumption and cancer
  • 14- to 17-year-olds were less likely to drink alcohol if aware of its link to cancer
  • Peer approval increased smoking and alcohol consumption prevalence
  • Availability was the key predictor for alcohol consumption among students considered regular drinkers
  • Wealthier students were more likely to consume alcohol, and importantly
  • Students were less likely to drink if their parents expressed disapproval of underage drinking

Hence, the lead author’s advice to parents is:

  • Discuss alcohol use with children and highlight the fact that not everyone drinks
  • Be aware of your child’s social activity (e.g. parties) and set behavioural expectations
  • Think twice about drinking in front of children
  • Avoid binge drinking
  • Do not buy or provide alcohol for those underage

Click here to access the full article.

Credit: Kari N