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drug interventions
peace building
young people

Project: “Engaging Young People in Peacebuilding & Evidence-Based Drug Prevention Intervention & Policies"

The “Engaging Young People in Peacebuilding” Project of the Drug Free Pakistan Foundation was continuously engaged in organizing and conducting teachers' training, youth leadership training and school programs in school-based prevention intervention and policies, and peacebuilding and conflict resolution. The project was supported by I AM Karachi Youth Initiatives Pakistan. In this project DFPF organized 1 teachers' training, 10 students’ awareness programs, 1 Youth Leadership Training, 10 Peace Prevention Club in schools and 10 SMART projects implemented by youth in their respective schools.

The main aim of the training was to strengthen and polish the skills of teachers, youth and students to assist in evidence-based drug abuse prevention and peacebuilding and conflict resolution activities, to teach them about life skills and to provide them with the necessary skills to make their respective institutions peaceful and 'drug-free'. During the whole training the teachers, youth and students learnt about new drugs, their abuses, causes and symptoms of drug addiction and they also realized that they play an active role in substance use prevention. They also learnt how to bring peace and resolve conflicts.