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United States
Opioid Use Disorder
Opioid Treatment
Primary Care

Webinar: Treatment and Prevention of Opioid Use Disorder: Overview

A webinar on opioid use disorder by Dr. Dennis McCarty is now available through the Addiction Technology Transfer Centre (ATTC) website

The hour long webinar took place in April 2018 and discusses treatment and prevention. The webinar format allowed viewers to download Dr McCarty's slides, make comments and then take part in a Q&A at the end of the session. 

 Great Lakes ATTC, Northwest ATTC, and Pacific Southwest ATTC joined a team of NIDA's clinical trials network to collaborate in producing the webinar. 

There is also a helpful blog offered by ATTC to highlight some of the key issues discussed during the webinar. The blog by Veronica Wang highlights topics such as a need for opioid use disorder treatment to be integrated into primary care; the efficacy of buprenorphine and methadone programmes; the importance of assessing all options of what a patient might need including exploring options for pharmacotherapy. 

The comprehensive discussion explores statistics, the context of opioid use and treatment historically and in society today.