Scientific article
Publication Date
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United States
Opioid use
prescription opioids
heart failure
harmful effects

Opioid Use May Increase Risk of Dangerous Heart Rhythm Disorder

Abuse of opioids can lead to many adverse consequences including addiction and heightened risk of overdose, however it is being increasingly suggested that even controlled use of prescription opioids may be linked with serious and enduring side effects. There is mounting evidence that suggests opioid use may contribute towards cardiovascular damage.

A recent study, carried out by researchers from Yale New Haven Hospital, has analysed the medical records of more that 857,000 military veterans between the ages of 25 and 51. The researchers were particularly interested in the relationship between opioid use through prescription and incidence of atrial fibrillation - a heart rhythm disorder characterised by uncontrolled quivering of the heart's upper chambers. Atrial fibrillation is a disorder that becomes more common as people age and is linked with increased risk of strokes.

The results from the preliminary research found that opioid use increases the likelihood of atrial fibrillation by 34 percent. These results are particularly alarming as the average age of those participating in the study was 38 years.

Although the researchers have yet to uncover the biological mechanism behind the link between opium use and atrial fibrillation, the initial findings highlight the need for further investigation into the health consequences of using prescribed opioids.