Publication Date
Published by / Citation
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
Original Language


Partner Organisation
Opioid Use Disorder
evidence-based practice

Best Practices across the Continuum of Care for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder

It is vital that the treatment for individuals living with Opioid Use Disorder is of high quality and evidence-informed.

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction has launched a new report, Best Practices across the Continuum of Care for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder, that presents services that should be available to individuals experiencing or at risk of suffering harms from opioid use. 

This report outlines the standard of service that should be implemented to provide person-centred care to all people experiencing harms from opioids. 

The publication includes a summary of actions taking place across Canada at multiple levels of government to help people experiencing harms from opioids and prevent deaths occurring from opioid poisonings. 

It gives an in-depth overview of a range of interventions as well as guidance when conducting screenings and assessments. It also focuses on how to reach out to people within their community and support recovery and ongoing care.