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Nordic Welfare Centre
substance use problem
evidence-based practice

Treatment of Cannabis-related Problems in the Nordic Countries

After alcohol, cannabis is the second most common intoxicant in the Nordics. 

In Denmark cannabis is by far the principle issue among newcomers to drug treatment, in Iceland, more than one-third of all addiction patients have cannabis as a primary problem, in Finland, 33% of newcomers to drug treatment have cannabis as their main drug problem. In Norway and Sweden, the figures we have indicate that about 10% of patients/clients in substance problem use treatment are mainly cannabis problem users.

Nordic Welfare Centre’s report Treatment of cannabis-related problems in the Nordic countries identifies challenges for treatment but also good practices in the Nordics.

The publication gives an overview of the current situation in Nordic countries in terms of policies and attitudes, and the history of treatment and care. It then discusses in detail the use of cannabis and treatment demand, particular treatment population and the forms of treatment available in the different countries.

Eva Franzén, Director Nordic Welfare Centre, notes that "In a situation where there are no signs of decreasing availability of cannabis, it is likely that the need for cannabis treatment will continue to be substantial or increasing".