A Guide to Using the Knowledge Share

So What’s the Knowledge Share All About?

ISSUP promotes effective and evidence-based practice through the exchange of knowledge on its website. ISSUP’s website features a Knowledge Share section that provides users with the latest insights from the fields of substance use prevention and treatment

The Knowledge Share forms a significant part of the organisation’s online presence.

The section’s content is organised into four key areas:

  1. News: Recent news items of value to people who work or share an interest in the field of substance use disorders, particularly prevention and/or treatment.
  2. Resources: Tools to help in practice such as lesson plans, information leaflets, websites and more.
  3. Publications: Details on new books and other recently published works in the field available to either buy or download.
  4. Research: Jargon-free summaries of the latest scientific research relating to the treatment and/or prevention of substance use disorders. This section also provides links through which people can access more extensive journal abstracts and, occasionally, full articles.

These areas can be further sub-categorised by theme, country or affiliated organisation.

How to Create a Knowledge Share Post

We are keen to encourage ISSUP members to offer their own insights, creating a virtual hub alive with conversation in which many different voices can be heard, listened to, and learned from. 

  1. To create a knowledge share post you must be an ISSUP member and you must be logged in.
  2. Enter the knowledge share section of the website and follow the post here link.
  3. Select the area of content you wish to post.
  4. Fill out the form with the details of the content. You can select an image to upload or insert links to YouTube or Vimeo.
  5. Once you have saved your post a member of the ISSUP team will review and publish it. We aim to do this within 7 days.

We are always here to help! Email us at info [at] issup [dot] net (info[at]issup[dot]net) if you have any further questions.