substance use
Substance Use Disorder

UNODC Training on the Nature, Prevention and Treatment of Drug Use Disorders Organized jointly with SENDA in Chile

30 policy makers attended the training event in Chile which was organized from 28-30 May 2019 in coordination with the National Service for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Drug and Alcohol Consumption (SENDA) and with the support of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), United States. This training workshop is specially designed for policymakers at the national and territorial levels, with key decision-making responsibilities in the health, social, justice, anti-narcotics, education and other relevant sectors.

Regional directors as well as the director, Mr. Carlos Charme, participated in the 3 days workshop held in Santiago, Chile. The aim of this training is to improve knowledge, understanding, the intersectoral scope for the control of psychoactive substances, and thus improve the quality of life of people at risk for consumption of psychoactive substances.