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Preventing underage use among marginalised youth
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Preventing underage use among marginalised youth

Preventing Underage Use among Marginalised Youth: A Case Study of UYDEL

Preventing underage use among marginalised youth a case study of UYDEL

Author; Lubega Andrew lbgandrew [at] gmail [dot] com,077421009


Alcohol has been identified as one of the major drivers of the HIV/AIDS epidemic; it is also mentioned as being responsible for other mental health-related complications. It is available everywhere and is culturally acceptable. Many young people learn about drinking at home as well as          during            their teen age. The objective of this abstract is to analyse strategies used to address the problem of underage alcohol usage among marginalised young people

A study conducted among 400 young people 10-24 years (258 males and 143) early 2017 in Nansana and Gombe divisions in Wakiso district revealed that 244 (61%) buy alcohol by themselves and 98 (22.5%) by other person. Most of the young people (46%) were introduced to alcohol by friends. It was reported that 37% drink alcohol in sachets of 100mls and below because satchet alcohol cheap, easy to hide, flavoured and packaged well. Children were drinking more, spend a lot on alcohol and yet many had no source of income. There was a general need to cut to cut down on drinking (62%) and impose a ban on sachets,255 (63.8%)respondents had selling points located within 500 metres in their areas

A study by Georgia State University (GSU) 2014 in urban slums of Kampala revealed a more unfavourable report on alcohol consumption and high levels of alcohol exposure among the youth.  Out of 1,134 youth (10-24years) interviewed 50% drink more than 2 times per day. The study report also indicated that 56% of youth never used a condom and 46% report sex with or more partners and 17% had been raped.

Strategies used

Use of sports as an alternative to drug/alcohol use, help youth take control of their lives; get to know the dangers associated with drugs and substance use and enables them understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and using sport to reflect this healthy lifestyle through preventing use of any performance enhancing substances and emphasizing the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle.


Strengthening capacity of local authorities by supporting and promoting them develop of divisional policies to reduce harmful use of alcohol, as well as their capacity to enhance partnerships and networks of community institutions and nongovernmental organizations. There is need to provide information and build capacity of community members in dealing with dangers of alcohol through community awareness sessions to reduce the acceptability to excessive alcohol use and mobilise the community against the unregulated selling and using alcohol. 



Alcohol prevention among marginalized youth cannot be achieved through a single intervention but a combination of strategies to affect behavioral change.