Which prevention strategies are actually evidence-based and which are not?

Cover of the UNODC/WHO International Standards on Drug Use Prevention - Second Updated Edition

Have you ever wondered what really works in prevention? Have you heard about the Prevention Standards, but have been too busy to look for them or to read them? This new series in the ‘Prevention Science and Practice’ network is for you!

As of next week, UNODC will be facilitating a new series on the ‘Prevention’ network. Every week, we will take a look at one strategy that has been found to be effective in preventing drug use, substance abuse, as well as many other risky behaviours.

The basis for the series will be the programmes and policies described in the UNODC/ WHO International Standards on Drug Use Prevention – Second Updated Edition. To publish the Standards, UNODC, WHO and more than 100 experts from more than 30 countries and other international organisations undertook a systematic review of the scientific evidence. The Standards provide a summary of the strategies that have been found to be effective on the basis of hundreds of studies.

Join us in this journey to learn more about each one of them!