Scientific article
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Addictions – Low-threshold device - Treatment

Resilience in Paco Addiction Treatments

This paper presents the results of a study on the factors promoting the rehabilitation of adolescents treated for paco addiction, from the point of view of resilience, i.e. the understanding and ability to cope with life's difficulties, overcome them and be transformed positively by them. A cross-sectional study was conducted with key informants and the application of quantitative and qualitative methods for data collection with the aim of identifying resilient areas in young people under treatment for paco addiction in the village 21/24, in Barracas ( Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010). The inventory of virtues and strengths of Castro solano Cosentino was applied to fifty patients aged 15 to 21 (47 men and 3 women) undergoing rehabilitation for paco addiction. From the study, it is possible to highlight the importance of creativity, critical judgment and the abandonment of egocentric behavior as fundamental to successful treatment.