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Recovery Month 2019

Recovery Month Celebration – “Join the Voices for Recovery: Together We Are Stronger”

Dhaka Ahsania Mission observed the Recovery Month on 22 September 2019 at Ahsnia Mission Female Drug Treatment Center (FDTC) first time in Bangladesh. The objective of celebrating the Recovery Month is to educate people that substance use treatment and mental health services can enable those with mental and Substance Use Disorders to live healthy and rewarding lives. It also has significant impact on reducing misconceptions and stigma about mental health issues and SUD, thus enabling more people to seek help when needed.

FDTC celebrated the occasion with a view to promoting evidence-based treatment and recovery practices. It also celebrated the achievements of those on recovery journey. Patients who had received treatment from the center gathered for the occasion titled “The Story of the Winners” to share their success stories, and their dedication to manage SUD in the similar way a person manages other chronic health conditions like hypertension, diabetes, asthma and heart disease. Emergence of a proud recovery community is promising through devoted service providers and community members, who are making it possible in all its forms. This year’s recovery month slogan is “Join the Voices for Recovery: Together We Are Stronger”. Reflecting on the slogan, the audience at the event alongside DAM staff pledged to continue their fight against drug abuse, and they hope to win the battle through their joint effort.  

During the event, DAM Health Sector Director, Mr Iqbal Masud welcomed and congratulated the individuals who are on their recovery journey. Senior Counselor cum Project Coordinator of DAM’s IRSOP project, Mr Amir Hossain also spoke during the occasion. On behalf of the treatment center,  recovery patients were honored with presents as symbols of appreciation. At the end of the event, Program Officer for FDTC, Ms Umme Jannat thanked the audience and reminded everyone to strongly adhere to the good virtues of life. The event was presented by center Counselor, Ms. Farzana Akter Sweety. Current occupants of the center also organized a cultural show on the occasion. 

Two male Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers of Dhaka Ahsania Mission also celebrated the Recovery Month on 29 & 30 September 2019 in its own way.