Scientific article
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David Kalema, Lore Van Damme, Sofie Vindevogel, Ilse Derluyn, Florien Meulewaeter & Wouter Vanderplasschen (2019): Predictors of Early Recovery after Treatment for Alcohol use Disorders in Uganda, Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, DOI: 10.1080/07347324.2019.1692639
Original Language


Recovery; effectiveness; quality of life; addiction; alcohol; Africa

Predictors of Early Recovery after Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorders in Uganda

Data on treatment for AUD (Alcohol Use Disorders) in developing countries are scarce. This study explores aspects of early recovery and correlates of alcohol use after residential AUD treatment in Uganda. 78 respondents were followed up using, among others, the ASI-6, HCSL-37A and WHOQOL–BREF. They were interviewed within two weeks after admission in residential treatment and six months later. Significant reductions in addiction severity and psychopathology, as well as improvements in Quality of Life (QoL) were observed after treatment. Treatment environment, individual characteristics and problems with close friends were the main predictors of early recovery from AUD.