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Substance Abuse Librarians and Information Specialists (SALIS)
digital lending library
online resources

The SALIS Collection: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

THE SALIS COLLECTION is a full-text, digital lending library of literature in the field of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and addictions. “Other drugs” refers to marijuana, heroin, LSD, cocaine, methamphetamine, opioids etc. International and interdisciplinary in scope, the collection includes seminal academic and popular press books, reports, documents, grey literature, and other text resources such as organization newsletters. With breadth and depth, encompassing mainly the 20th and 21st centuries, it addresses drug use and misuse, legal and illegal drugs, substance use disorders and alcoholism, health complications, treatment and recovery, education and prevention, research and theory, policy and legal issues, societal issues, mental health aspects, process or behavioral addictions, and more. It is continually growing, and currently offers over 3,000 items.

Unique, THE SALIS COLLECTION was established to digitally preserve the alcohol and other drug literature and make it freely accessible, as pertaining to the common good.

THE SALIS COLLECTION is produced by SALIS (Substance Abuse Librarians and Information Specialists), a long-established international association of information professionals focused on the health and social concerns surrounding alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. SALIS is a leading advocate in the evaluating, compiling, organizing, preserving, and making accessible the literature of the drugs, alcohol, and addictions field.

We invite and encourage you to visit the SALIS home page ( to learn more about THE SALIS COLLECTION, and how to become a part of this ever evolving SALIS Advocacy Committee project.